Who said trippa and lampredotto are exclusively winter foods? Here at Bambi Trippa e Lampredotto, where we’ve been tripe makers since 1890, we introduce special summer additions to our menu. These Tuscan specialties can be savored even when temperatures rise. Rich in protein, iron, and B vitamins, trippa and lampredotto are perfect for summer. Discover our special summer dishes!

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Cheek stew is a delicious Tuscan specialty made with beef. Prepared with patience and care, this dish offers an explosive mix of flavors and textures that make it perfect to be eaten on a plate or inside a sandwich.

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Ciotola piena di nervetti

Until recent years, meat was a luxury enjoyed only by the privileged few, typically confined to the upper echelons of society. For those unable to indulge in prime cuts, options were limited to grains, legumes, or the utilization of less conventional parts of the animal.

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Lampredotto is a fundamental part of traditional Tuscan cuisine and certainly one of the pillars of the Bambi family history. That’s why when the idea of making the world’s largest lampredotto was born, we couldn’t back down. Bambi Trippa e Lampredotto has always supported popular traditions and seeks, through its activities, to pass on the legacy of Tuscan cuisine to future generations. 


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