


The historical district of San Frediano is the world that was the background for the Bambi and Trapani family saga. It was built inside Santo Spirito district but in the meanwhile San Frediano became a neighborhood its own with folks and authentic Florentine life, little alleys and historical streets like Borgo San Frediano, Via San Giovanni, Via dell’Orto, Via di Camaldoli, Via della Chiesa, Via del Campuccio, Via del Leone and Cestello Church. San Frediano was the neighborhood where people lived the street, the world of crafters, where you can find real life in every spot. For over 100 years this part of Florence was characterized by Florentine craftsmen, old cafes and meeting points where people lived with passion everyday life.

The history of our specialties has ancient origins. Bambi business was started thirty-seven years ago, in 1978, thanks to the Trapani family, but also to his tight relationship with the streets of San Frediano. Today’s activity plunges its roots in the 19th century, when tripe and lampredotto were cooked within the Bambi family (the maternal side of the family).

These appreciated foods already existed in these areas. A step back further in the Middle Ages, you can already see how tripe and lampredotto were already characterized markets and shops in this area.